Every worker is entitled to workers compensation in Philadelphia after an injury. When hurt and pain are afoot because of a job related accident, it’s only fair that the employer pays up and holds himself or herself responsible for the employees’ work related calamities. Any area is a danger zone as a worker and it is thanks to workers compensation that a matter can be settled peacefully and reasonably. An employer will do and can do just about anything to wiggle their way out of paying for their employee, but workers compensation in Philadelphia can make sure that no accident goes unnoticed or unpaid for.
A case involving workers compensation in Philadelphia can provide a lot of money for relief, but that all depends on many different factors. First, the extent of the injury needs to be taken into consideration. That is why I.M.E.’s, which stands of Independent Medical Exam, are set up to examine the patient and know for a fact how injured the worker is. Then the cost of ongoing medical care also has to be thought of. A workers compensation doctor needs to also examine the worker for the first 90 days after the injury so as to advise the worker and provide him or her with the best medical counsel without going against the loyalty to his employer. Secondly, the amount of the weekly workers’ compensation benefits needs to be set up, and any kind of work that the injured worker can do in consideration to his/her injuries. Thirdly is some background information about the worker such as the age, education background and previous work of the employee.
Like in any other part of the country, workers compensation in Philadelphia exists to seek justice for the wrongs that have been committed or may be done to a worker. Workers compensation exists for injured employees whose claims are denied by the employer or the insurance carrier. The worker must keep in mind though that regardless of the injury he or she experienced, the benefits are temporary and should be used for the right reasons. Though he or she may receive 2/3 of the average gross wage prior to the injury every week, the employer may find reasons to stop the payments. In certain cases, the benefits will stop being received by the worker if he or she returns to work again or if the employer and insurance carrier decide to terminate the worker’s benefits. Workers compensation in Philadelphia, however, is here to make sure that you receive the benefits you deserve.
For more information on the procedures, expectations and benefits of workers compensation in Philadelphia, visit Swartz & Culleton, PC at Swartzculleton.com. Reaping the rewards that you rightfully deserve after a work related injury should not be as hard as you imagine it to be. Contact your workers compensation attorney today and find out what you need to do for your injury claim to be heard.