Applying for Disability With Plainfield Social Security Lawyers

by | Aug 22, 2014 | Lawyers

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Applying for social security disability benefits can be difficult. Most people fail to realize that the Social Security Administration (SSA) has different medical and vocational guidelines for each disabling condition. For example, SSA uses a seizure analysis to determine if someone with epilepsy is disabled. No one knows for sure what causes epilepsy but the condition is diagnosed after two seizures. Sometimes, seizures can be linked to conditions like cerebral palsy.

Adults with epilepsy can quality for disability. However, SSA evaluates the frequency, type, duration and nature of seizures. The applicant must prove that the condition interferes with daily living even though they take medication. Further, SSA will investigate whether alcohol or drug use is a factor. Applicants should get help from Plainfield Social Security Lawyers. Disability lawyers have years of experience navigating SSA’s system. They protect your rights and fight to win benefits. There is a list of items that must be proven including:

  the applicant has at least one seizure a month, following at least three months of medication treatment, or
  the seizures happen in the daytime and involve convulsions or loss of consciousness, or
*   they are night-time seizures that interfere with daytime activities

SSA looks for well-documented evidence that seizures interfere with one’s activities. Therefore, one should notify or see the doctor when they have a seizure, keep a diary of seizure activity, tell friends and family about the seizures and stay compliant with seizure medication. It’s a hassle for many people to go to the doctor every time they have a seizure. However, doctors can recognize and document post-seizure activity. This is important since SSA counts how often seizures occur.

Additionally, family and friends should be informed because SSA can question them about your condition. An SSA examiner will also look at a seizure diary. Indeed, the diary is a backup to other medical records. Finally, it’s crucial to stay on seizure medication. Staying on the medicine, and still having seizures, demonstrates the severity of the condition. Plainfield Social Security Lawyers will check a client’s medical records to make sure their condition is documented correctly. That is why it is smart to have experienced lawyers working with you.

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