Important Tips for Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

by | Mar 8, 2017 | Personal Injury Lawyer

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In the state of Florida, there is a “no fault” rule when it comes to injuries resulting from vehicle accidents. This means that everyone who drives a car is required to hold Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance policy. This insurance is responsible for your expenses in the event of a car accident. This can include medical bills, wages lost and other expenses that may arise due to injuries. However, PIP insurance has many strict procedures that must be followed. Not abiding by the guidelines can cost you thousands of dollars in claim coverage. Most people only use their PIP policy once or twice, so it will probably be unfamiliar territory if you ever need to use it. To help make sure you are getting the full benefits, it would be wise to hire a personal injury insurance lawyer in Miami.


As mentioned, it is uncommon for you to be in multiple car accidents that result in injury. This means that you are most likely unfamiliar with how the claims of a PIP policy work and what procedures need to be followed. You may even be unsure of what the coverage is on your policy. Working with an experienced personal injury insurance lawyer in Miami can help make sure that you are receiving the full benefits of your claim. For example, the policy is meant to cover any expenses related to your injury from the accident. This includes wages you may lose from being unable to work. If you are unable to drive due to the injury, your coverage can cover the expenses for your transportation. If your injury requires physical therapy or some other sort of rehabilitation, it can be covered by PIP. An experienced attorney can help determine what costs should be submitted as a claim.


When you are working with an insurance company, it is important to remember that the medical provider is also involved. A good personal injury lawyer will be able to work well with both the insurance company and the medical professional. It would be wise to hire an attorney who has already developed a strong relationship with the providers. Your doctor is more likely to trust an attorney that he or she has worked with previously and you should be able to trust that attorney as well.

If you find yourself in need of a personal injury insurance lawyer in Miami, you need to find someone who has experience and has already built positive relationships with insurance companies and medical professionals. This will be an attorney that you can trust to make sure you are properly paid by your insurance company.

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