Reviewing the Circumstances of a Dog Attack with Injury Lawyers in Tucson, AZ

by | Apr 28, 2017 | Lawyer

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In Arizona, pet owners are responsible for their animals and any injuries that victims sustain. The owners must follow strict liability laws to lower the chances of these events and protect others. Any failure to comply with the law presents actionable circumstances. The following is a review of the circumstances of a dog attack with injury lawyers in Tucson, AZ.

How Was the Victim Injured?

The circumstances of the injuries define whether or not the victim has a legal claim. If at any time they were at fault, the victim doesn’t have a viable injury case. For example, if the victim is guilty of trespassing, a home invasion, or animal cruelty, they do not have the legal right to file a lawsuit.

Was the Owner Notified?

When the victim obtained medical treatment, they are required by law to inform the doctor that they were attacked by a dog. If they know the dog owner they must provide information about them to the doctor. The doctor is bound by law to contact the county animal control officer about the attack. The animal control officer must notify the pet owner of the required conditions.

Why Are Quarantines Necessary?

Quarantines are used to assess the animal for the rabies virus. If the dog isn’t vaccinated, the pet owner faces criminal fines. If they are vaccinated, the pet owner must still surrender the animal to a licensed vet for the quarantine. The vet determines if the animal is a risk to the public.

What Actions Does the Animal Control Officer Take?

If the vet’s report indicates that the animal is dangerous, the animal control officer has the right to order euthanization. Additionally, if they discover that the dog was involved in previous attacks, the officer must notify the court.

In Arizona, pet owners must follow laws to lower the chances of common liabilities related to any attacks performed by their dog. A dog attack presents the owner with an actionable circumstance. Victims who were attacked by a dog and need to speak to injury lawyers in Tucson, AZ can contact Price and Price law office to schedule an appointment.

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