Top Questions to Ask a Lawyer About Your Battery or Domestic Violence Case

by | Jan 28, 2014 | Lawyer

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Have you recently been charges with domestic violence or battery in Las Vegas? If so, you will need a good lawyer on your side to help. As you are looking for Las Vegas, Nevada lawyer to assist with your battery or domestic violence case, you will want to make sure to ask them the right questions. Here are a few of the most important:

What is My Exact Charge and What Does it Mean?

One question that you will want to ask your attorney is what your charge is and what that charge means. Sometimes these charges can be confusing. What exactly is battery, for instance? Battery, in most cases, means that you are being charged with some type of offensive or harmful contact. What action would have caused this charge to be applied? What can happen with this type of charge? Your lawyer will be able to answer all of these things in a way that you will understand.

Is This a Felony or Misdemeanor Case?

You will also want to find out if you are being charged with a felony or a misdemeanor. There will be a huge difference in the sentencing, if you are found guilty, depending on which one it is. Generally, if you are charged with a misdemeanor and found guilty, you may be fined or put on probation. A felony conviction could mean jail time depending on the charge. A lawyer will be able to help you understand what you are facing with a battery or domestic violence charge.

How Strong is the Case of the Prosecution?

A lawyer will also be able to look into the case of the prosecution and tell you what you can expect from that, as well. As you and your lawyer are building up your defense, the prosecution is building up a case against you. However, your lawyer will have ways of finding out how strong their case may be based on the evidence they have. With this information, they will be able to build up your defense around it.

What Should My Plea Be?

Finally, your lawyer will be able to advise you on what you should plead when the time comes. They can help to put you in a position that is ideal for you and explain what each plea means.

Charged with battery or domestic violence in Las Vegas, Nevada? A Lawyer is available to help from Heshmati & Associates.

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