Types of Cases Child Custody Lawyers in Bremerton WA Work With

by | Jul 9, 2014 | Uncategorized

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Child custody can be a very overwhelming and emotional issue when a couple is divorcing or separating. It’s always recommended that you speak with one of the child custody lawyers in Bremerton WA before deciding on child custody. This is so that everything is written in a legally binding contract that both parents must adhere to. If one parent doesn’t adhere to the custody agreement, the other parent has legal means for making sure the agreement is followed exactly. There are various reasons why a person may need a child custody agreement. Some of the cases Child Custody Lawyers work with on a daily basis include:

Divorce or Separation Cases

When a couple is getting divorced and they have children, there’s going to need to be a decision on who gets custody of the children. The custody can go to one parent fully or be shard between both parents, depending on each particular case. A just can help decide what is necessary for the well-being of the child if the parents cannot agree.

Giving Up Parental Rights

Some parents decide to give up their rights. This may be because they are giving up their child for adoption or because one person is giving up full control to the other parent. These cases must go through the court system to be legal, and a lawyer can help the person or couple with the decision to give up their rights.


Many couples choose to adopt a child, and this has to go through the court system as well to be legal. A child can be adopted at any age, and a lawyer can even help the parents find the child they want to adopt, if they have not found one they have fallen in love with already.

In any of these cases, it’s important to follow through all legal channels to make sure everything is done correctly. It’s a simple process to hire one of the child custody lawyers in Bremerton WA to make sure that your child custody is written, signed by you and the other people involved, and signed by a judge. This way, there is no mistake about what the agreement entails should something happen in the future.




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