Choosing Your Social Security Attorney

by | Jul 8, 2016 | Law

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Every year, thousands of people in the United States suffer from a physical or mental disability, when this happens they can turn to Social Security for help. Unfortunately for three quarters of these applicants for benefits, the Social Security Administration sees things differently and denies their application.

Applying for disability benefits is a challenge, as of last count there were well over 1.3 million people waiting for their application to be approved and the wait can be long, up to four years.

Although seventy-five percent of all applications are denied that leaves twenty five percent that pass through the system seamlessly with no problems at all. In many cases, those that are denied find that the denial is based on unclear answers to questions or incomplete details. These applicants should hire a Social Security attorney in Oak Ridge. Choosing the right attorney is the key to processing the appeal as quickly as possible.

Get help earlier rather than later:

Although the majority of applicants do not approach an attorney when they are making their initial application, there is no good reason why they shouldn’t. The legal fees that apply to disability cases is set by law so hiring an attorney at the application stage costs no more than hiring him or her after being denied benefits.

Finding the best Social Security attorney:

As you will be spending time with your attorney it is important that they and their staff treat you well and with respect. Law firms that deal with Social Security disability claims are busy but that is no reason that you should not be given ample time. You may not always speak to the attorney when you call but you can expect to speak to a member of staff that is intimate with your case.

Perhaps the most important question you can ask a Social Security attorney in Oak Ridge is their approval rate. Find out how many approvals are granted at the hearing level and what percentages of their wins are granted full benefits.

If you are looking for a Social Security attorney in Oak Ridge that has an enviable record of success, you are invited to contact the Law Offices of Miller & Drozdowski, P.C. at and request a free case evaluation.

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