Drunk Driving Brockton Attorney Can Protect Your Rights

by | Apr 12, 2013 | Lawyer

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Anyone who has been charged with an impaired driving offense should know about how the charge can affect their driving record, their insurance rates and their criminal history.

There have been many changes to the OUI, or operating under the influence laws in the past decade and it is well worth becoming educated on the topic so that some serious consequences can be avoided.

For a drunk driving brockton ticket, hiring an experienced lawyer to represent you during the court process is a wise choice.

There are several aspects to every charge of impaired or drunk driving. One part of the case that can take on a separate litigation from the drunk driving charge itself is the implied consent issue.

When a driver is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while either in control of or operating a motor vehicle, the implied consent law requires the driver to consent to a chemical testing process to determine whether they are intoxicated beyond the legal limit.

The drunk driving in Brockton cases often hinge upon the test results and the drivers who have refused a test are automatically considered to be impaired. The test refusal alone in a drunk driving case can cause a minimum license suspension of 180 days for a driver who is getting their first OUI charge and if there has been a prior drunk driving conviction, the suspension period begins at three years of lost driving privileges.

Your experienced drunk driving defense attorney can fully explain the implications of your own traffic stop and if there are any aggravating factors to your situation that may increase the penalties that you are facing.

For drivers who are under the legal drinking age, a much lower blood alcohol content number will result in charges being filed for driving under the influence. If the driver who is charged with OUI is driving a commercial vehicle, the threshold of under the influence is also lowered.

The enhanceable nature of impaired driving charges make it particularly important that your case is handled by a strong and knowledgable legal advocate looking out for your rights. When you have your own lawyer to guard your interests during every step of the case, the future impact of the charge can sometimes be mitigated.






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