Hire a Lawyer to Review Your Severance Package

by | Sep 7, 2021 | Law

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Many companies are laying off people in the wake of the pandemic. With a lot of businesses crippled by the ongoing struggle against COVID-19, it’s important that organizations provide severance packages.

What is a Severance Package?

It’s a separation agreement that offers employees certain benefits even after their job contract has ended. There are certain conditions imposed on both parties, though, and in some cases, it’s smart to ask for a lawyer to go over the package before you sign it.

When Do You Need a Lawyer?

When companies provide fair compensation through their severance packages, that’s ideal. But that doesn’t always happen. If you want to make sure that you’re getting a fair deal after you’ve been laid off or your contract has been terminated, then hiring a lawyer for severance package negotiations in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is a must.

What Does the Lawyer Do?

The lawyer will review the contract and point out which terms and conditions work for you and which ones might be unfair or taking advantage of you. The lawyer then gets in touch with your employer to communicate your refusal to sign the contract and then will negotiate the terms and conditions with the company.

What are the Benefits of Hiring a Lawyer?

If the lawyer is successful, then you can get the maximum amount possible for your severance pay. You can even get a few perks, or a higher amount. By hiring a legal counsel to help you, you won’t have to be tricked into signing a severance pay that’s so much less than you deserve.

How Do You Pick the Right Lawyer?

Find a law firm that specializes in employment law, which includes employment contracts and severance packages. Consider their experience and reputation before you hire one. Reach out to them for a consult to get a more accurate take on how they work as a team and if they can take your case.

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