Proffessional Child Support Attorney in Carrollton GA

by | Apr 26, 2013 | Lawyer

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If you divorce when you have children, it’s important to find an attorney who will fight for your child’s rights and ensure they are fully supported and not used by your former spouse to punish you. You should select a Child Support Attorney in Carrollton GA who is knowledgeable and will fight hard for you.

During this difficult time, it’s important to understand what child support is and what it is not. Child support is intended to allow the child to have a similar standard of life as they did before the divorce. It is used to help pay for their shelter, to make sure they have enough to eat, to pay for their clothes, to pay for medical expenses, and to pay for any additional childcare expenses arising out of only one parent being present. Child support is not something that is meant to punish the other spouse and it is not to be used as a bargaining chip or a way to get back at the other spouse. It is something that is there to help your child and you should not feel any hesitation to fight for your child.


When selecting an attorney, you should seek someone who is experienced enough to be familiar with the Carrollton judges. While past results do not guarantee future results, a strong track record can give some indication that they will get what is best for your child. Because the child support decision is often part of many other things happening at the same time, you may want to consider someone that is familiar with divorce law and child custody issues.

If you think your former spouse can’t or won’t pay, don’t worry. Child support is determined by the court according to a formula that takes into account the income of the parties. When a decision is made, it is a court order carrying penalties for disobedience. Refusal to pay can result in being held in contempt of court and possible jail time. The court can enter a judgment for unpaid child support and even deduct it directly from a non-payer’s wages if necessary, even after the child reaches the age of majority.

While direct experience and specialties are always desirable, consider how indirect experience could also help you. For example, a Medical Malpractice attorney will often have much court experience that would be desirable in a hotly contested situation.

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