The Benefits Of Choosing A Chapter 13 Attorney In Marietta

by | May 26, 2014 | Lawyers

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If you’re experiencing a time of financial crisis or sudden economic distress has taken hold of your life, it’s easy to feel as if there’s simply no way out of a very difficult situation. This is often compounded by creditors calling at all hours of the day, hunting you down at work or even while you’re in the hospital recovering from an illness or injury. Over time, you may also start to dread checking your mailbox each day, with letters from collection agencies, growing debt due to interest and penalty charges, and even threat of litigation if you don’t pay your creditors to money you simply don’t have.

Fortunately, there are ways to handle the situation that won’t result in you losing absolutely everything in the process. If you’re considering bankruptcy, it’s never too late to take the first step. When it’s time to find a Chapter 13 attorney Marietta residents have some of the most accomplished and empathetic legal staff available to meet for a consultation. Getting on a path toward a more peaceful and successful life often starts with somethings as simple as a phone call. In the process of seeking out a Chapter 13 attorney Marietta residents should have a basic idea whether or not Chapter 13 is a valid alternative for their particular situation, as well as the level of experience the attorney has in handling such cases.

When speaking with a Chapter 13 attorney Marietta residents should be prepared to put all their cards out on the table, and to be open and honest about the extent of a negative financial situation. This can often be the most painful and difficult part of the process, as it’s natural for those in debt to feel a certain amount of hopelessness or failure when confronted with the looming reality of the situation. Since Chapter 13 is, in fact, more of a debt restructuring program that allows those working full-time to deal with creditors via a trustee, in exchange for lower payments on outstanding bills, full disclosure is key.


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