Bergen County Injury Law Firm- Why Jurisdiction Matters

by | Dec 9, 2013 | legal

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Personal injury cases are very popular. This is mainly because many types of cases will fall under personal injury. It is important to hire a personal injury lawyer when you think you have such a case. They will offer sound legal advice and will help you through the litigation process. You should approach an injury law firm when you have such a case. One of the things that are paramount when choosing these firms is jurisdiction. It is important to work with a firm that is acquainted with the law of the jurisdiction the case is filed. Tort law is used in injury cases and you need a lawyer that understands how your case is affected by jurisdiction. These are some of the reasons why jurisdiction plays a huge role in a case and why a Bergen county injury law firm will be better equipped to handle your case:

  • As a plaintiff you have the option of filing your lawsuit either in the federal court or state. The choice will depend on many factors. The injury law firm you hire will look at all these factors and choose the most favorable court to file your case. They will choose the court based on the type of case you have and the understanding they have of the decisions made in those courts in such lawsuits.


  • The injury law firm will also consider the fact that their clients have to attend the litigation process. Therefore, they will consider the geographical location of the courthouse while filing the case. In most cases they will chose a state court simply because it is easier to access it.


  • Statutes of Limitations- in some cases a Bergen county injury law firm will file a lawsuit in the federal court because of the difference in statutes of limitations. The statute of limitation in most cases expires faster in the state court. Therefore, the lawyer that you choose should be able to follow up and check whether it has not yet expired in the federal court. It is easier for a firm that works within that jurisdiction to speed up the process rather than an outsider.


  • In addition, a Bergen county injury law firm knows the different judges and juries that you can expect during your case.  By looking at your case, they will be able to prepare you for the litigation process. Once they have chosen the court and know the judge presiding the case, they can predict based on previous judgments what you should do, to win your case. They will also understand what to expect from the defendant’s lawyer if they have faced each other before.


It is important to think about the factors that will favor you when filing an injury case. A Bergen county injury firm will help you make the right decision.


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