The Basics Of Claiming For Social Security Disability Benefits

by | Jan 21, 2015 | Law

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In the event an individual suffers from a disability, be it physical or mental, the disabled individual is faced with making an application for Social Security disability benefits. Due to the fact that the applicant is suffering from a disability the question arises, “should the applicant hire a Social Security attorney in Ypsilanti or not?” Statistically bout 70 to 75 percent of the applications are denied as a matter of course so many people feel that they will wait until they have been denied before hiring an attorney to help them during the appeals process.

The first step in the appeals process is to ask for reconsideration, often this is also denied and the claimant will be invited to support his or her claim in the presence of an administrative judge. If the claimant hopes to be approved at this stage it is very important to have legal support and representation as the rules and laws that apply to Social Security are extremely complex. Due to the complexity of the administrative rules no attorney would even consider giving a guarantee that his or her clients appearance in front of the judge will guarantee approval, the only thing a Social Security attorney in Ypsilanti can guarantee is that your case will be well prepared in advance of the hearing and put forward in such a way that it stands the best chance of being approved.

Developing a case for disability benefits:

It sounds very simple when someone from your local Social Security office says that all you have to do is fill in a few forms and return the application. The truth is very few initial applications are approved. The application is complex; many applicants cannot determine exactly what it is that the administration is asking for; this results in the applicant either giving too much information or not enough. This is why an attorney skilled in dealing with these matters is important, the attorney knows, based on experience and intimate knowledge of the rules and laws exactly what the administration is looking for, the attorney also knows what questions to ask of your medical practitioners so that your appeal has the best chance of success.

Odds of winning without the help of an attorney:

Certainly it is possible for an applicant for disability benefits to win a case without representation, possible yes; probable no. The odds of winning with the assistance of an attorney are significantly higher that they are when the applicant presents his or her case independently.

The only time that an attorney is absolutely necessary is if the claim is appealed all the way through Federal Court. Attending a hearing in front of an administrative judge without help from a Social Security attorney in Ypsilanti can, and usually does, result in a lost opportunity to win tour disability benefits.

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