Reasons Why You Need A Social Security Attorney

by | Dec 12, 2016 | Law

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If what you read about the difficulties associated with filing a claim for Social Security disability benefits is even half true, it seems to be as hard as pulling teeth. Having a Social Security attorney in Michigan on your side can be very advantageous as you literally, “prepare for battle.”

It is estimated that three quarters of application made independently are rejected. Many claimants wait until they are advised their claim has been denied. Hiring an attorney from the outset may help you get your benefits; the caveat is however, you must hire an attorney that is experienced in dealing with laws, rules and regulations associated with the SSA.

The complexities of claiming for Social Security disability benefits:

When filing for SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) benefits, approval or not depends on medical evidence, employment and the anticipated duration of the impairment.

The disability; physical or mental, must be such that it limits the applicants ability to perform any meaningful gainful activity.

The applicant must have accrued sufficient work credits, the number of which is based on the applicant’s age when he or she became disabled; the older the applicant, the more credits that are required. A person that becomes disabled at age 21 requires 6 work credits, a person who becomes disabled at 62 plus requires 10.

The impairment must be long lasting and by that the SSA means 12 months minimum; if the disability is not expected to last that long the application will be rejected out of hand.

Don’t worry about legal fees:

Suffering a disability is bad enough without having to worry about how you can pay for a skilled Social Security attorney in Michigan. These cases are taken on a contingency basis, the attorney only gets paid when you are granted benefits and then the fee is limited to 25 percent of the back pay awarded, even this is capped at $6,000.

Applying for Social Security disability benefits can be very confusing at the best of times. It is always wise to hire an experienced Social Security attorney in Michigan to help with the application and subsequent appeals when necessary. You are invited to discuss your case with website.

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