San Diego Auto Accident Lawyer Q&A

by | Apr 4, 2013 | Law And Legal Services

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There are many important things to note when seeking a San Diego auto accident lawyer. You want to find a person who is experienced and specializes in accident cases. Most lawyers who handle these cases are experts in the field and have handled many accident cases over the years.

How Do I Find an Auto Accident Lawyer?

Find an San Diego auto accident lawyer in your area by beginning your search online. Look for an attorney with a website that offers a clear point of view of their legal expertise and explains how they can help you. You can usually find a reliable attorney through any other attorney you know. For example, if you are recently divorced and used a divorce lawyer, he or she may be able to put you in contact with an auto accident lawyer in your area. In some cases, this person may charge a fee for helping you find a high quality attorney. You should be able to do your own research and find an attorney online, as long as you devote a few hours to finding a qualified person.

How Soon Do I Contact The Auto Accident Lawyer?

After you leave the hospital, this should be the immediate next step. This is because you want to move quickly with the lawsuit in order to make it clear to the judge and courts that you knew you were injured from the time of the accident. Little to no time should lapse between the accident happening and reaching out to an attorney. You are protecting yourself by moving quickly and you want to make sure the judge understands you were not able to work or in severe pain (or both) because of the accident.

Do Accident Cases Go to Trial?

In few cases does an accident case go to trial. In most cases, the judge rules one way or the other and the defendant will be forced to pay. Sometimes there is a trail, but this is very rare. You can choose whether to take the case to trial if given an option, but understand it is a very costly process which is why you want to avoid it at all costs. Your auto accident lawyer in San Diego will be able to better guide you based on your individual situation and case. Many accident cases settle out of court, which is why having a lawyer on your side is beneficial.

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