Statistics Don’t Make It Easier If You’re the One Facing Bankruptcy

by | Feb 5, 2013 | Lawyer

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Although some statistics are indicating that bankruptcy filings may be down nationwide, that is of little consolation when you are the one who is facing overwhelming debt. However, you should not let any sort of statistics, comments from friends or family, or news headlines deter you from seeking the advice of a bankruptcy lawyer in Ocean County area if you believe that filing for bankruptcy would be in the best interest of you and your family. Only an experienced bankruptcy lawyer truly has the expertise to provide you with the legal counsel you will need in order to weigh all of your options and proceed accordingly.

Although several reports indicate that bankruptcy filings are down in many parts of the nation, many bankruptcy experts are quick to caution that the decrease may be due to the fact that bankruptcy law prohibits repeated filings for bankruptcy protection. In other words, sometimes the people who could most benefit from filing from bankruptcy are the very ones who are not allowed to file. Others are also prohibited from filing based on the nature of their debt. So, for example, those who are financially snowed under because of massive student debt are struggling, but are unable to file.

Other experts have also noted that many people have struggled to get by for a time by dipping into savings or retirement accounts, but that when those run out, filings will begin again. The point is that if you are facing financial straits, they are probably not going to get any better until you do something and in many instances the very best thing that you can do is to consult with a bankruptcy lawyer in Ocean County who can help you to file so that you can get the debt relief that you need.

When the bank is threatening to foreclose on the house that you and your family have made a home, national statistics matter little. What will matter is that you have done whatever you could to save your home and other assets that you have worked hard to provide for your family. Your bankruptcy lawyer may be able to help you save those things while at the same time affording you the opportunity at a fresh start.

You are not a statistic or some player in some national trend. Rather, you are an individual who may very well benefit from a visit with a bankruptcy lawyer in Ocean County. Contact a bankruptcy lawyer today to schedule a consultation to determine the best ways for you to help your family get out from under the burden of crushing debt.

If you find yourself in difficult financial circumstances and need a bankruptcy lawyer in Ocean County, The Law Offices of Lee D. Gottesman are a federally designated consumer debt relief agency under Title 11 of the U.S. Code.

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