What to Expect from a Consultation with a Wrongful Death Attorney in Yelm, WA

by | Nov 12, 2018 | legal

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Wrongful deaths leave behind many more victims than the deceased. When someone dies because of the actions or negligence of another person, compensation is owed. Because pursuing this type of case is often difficult, it is wise for family members to hire a wrongful death attorney in Yelm, WA. Knowing what to expect from the consultation appointment will set the family’s mind at ease and allow them to be prepared.

What Is Discovered at the Consultation?

Getting started on pursuing a case means first scheduling a consultation appointment with the wrongful death attorney in Yelm, WA, which are generally free for new clients. There are several pieces of information the family can learn during this meeting.

  • The attorney will inform their client about whether or not their case is viable. A viable case is one that can hold up in court and meets all of the requirements for proving liability. An attorney is not going to take on a case they do not feel they can win.
  • During the consultation, the family members of the deceased will learn about their legal options. Although going to court is always an option, hiring an attorney can often allow a person to avoid the court process.
  • Families and estate representatives will also learn how much their claim is worth so they will know not to settle for less. When an individual does not fully understand the value of their claim, they often end up settling for less than deserved.
  • The attorney will also inform their client of the timeline of events in the process and what can be expected. Understanding the steps involved will give a family peace of mind.

Get Started Today

In the state of Washington, there is a three-year statute of limitations for wrongful death. Although this statute seems generous, delays should be avoided. Hiring an attorney will offer you great peace of mind and allow you to focus on the grieving process with as little stress as possible. If you would like further information, make sure to visit us.

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