Why Should You Hire a Slip n Fall Attorney in Fort Collins?

by | Dec 21, 2018 | Uncategorized

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Accidents, by their very nature, happen when you least expect them. Slip and fall accidents can occur when you are shopping, and can cause you to suffer from a few different injuries. These accidents can be caused by something on the floor you didn’t see before tripping on it or from a liquid spilled on the ground. In either case, it was the responsibility of the business to make sure that you can shop safely, so they may be at fault if you slip and fall.

If this has happened to you, it’s important that you don’t sign anything until you have a chance to speak with a lawyer. You’re going to want to find a slip n fall attorney in Fort Collins who can represent you to ensure you get the settlement you deserve. Medical bills aren’t the only problem when it comes to a slip and fall injury. You’re also going to want to make sure that they money you lose from not being able to work is covered. You may also be entitled to money for pain and suffering, so be sure to ask your lawyer.

Hiring a lawyer such as The Law Offices of Burton & Burton is important because you’re going to be dealing with the insurance company that represents the business where you fell. The insurance company, while required to cover your injury, is only looking out for itself, and will not be generous when it comes to your settlement. By having a lawyer, you stand a better chance against the insurance company.

If you’re concerned about paying for the slip n fall attorney Fort Collins, don’t be. In many personal injury cases, the attorney will be able to take on your case without having the money up front. This is because many of these cases are done on a contingency basis: the lawyer gets paid out of the settlement. If you don’t win your case, you don’t owe your lawyer. This is good news for you because, not only do you not have to spend a lot of money up front, but it helps to ensure that your lawyer will work hard for you.

If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident, call a lawyer at The Law Offices of Burton & Burton. The business where you fell may be responsible for your injuries and you may be able to receive a settlement.

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